white text on a purple background over a photo of balloons in the sky that reads "5 Reasons not to Diet in 2021 (or Ever)"

5 Reasons not to Diet in 2021 (or Ever)

Unless you are taking a break from social media and the news, you most likely have been bombarded with messages about dieting and weight related New Year’s resolutions. Diet programs are promising the magic bullet for good health and weight loss in the New Year.

Maybe this year you are re-thinking your New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you are beginning to notice that dieting is taking up too much space in your life or you are tired of worrying about what you eat or what you look like. It could be you are looking to “get off the diet roller coaster” permanently and heal your relationship with food and your body.

If you are ready to give up dieting, you’re not alone. Consider these five reasons to quit dieting for good:

1. Dieting for permanent weight loss is ineffective.

While dieting can be effective for weight loss for some, usually weight loss is short-lived. In fact, scientists have little to no evidence to show that dieting is an effective means for keeping lost weight off. Maybe you haven’t been able to stick to your diet. It is not you, it is the diet. Diets are nearly impossible to follow for the long term. And then when diets are “broken”, it leaves the person feeling bad about themselves and disconnected from their body, doing more damage than good.

2. Dieting is a known risk factor for developing disordered eating or a full-blown eating disorder.

The causes of eating disorders are complex and can be caused by a range of biological, social, and psychological factors. Researches have identified that dieting is a risk factor for developing an eating disorder. The majority of clients that I treat with an eating disorder have had experience with dieting, usually motivated by body dissatisfaction. Dieting can contribute to more problems with your relationship with food instead of solving them.

3. Dieting can wreak havoc on your mental health.

Diets often promise control over food and even our lives. Starting a new diet can even feel exhilarating. But, have you ever noticed when you are dieting you spend more time thinking about food? Or you begin to feel out of control around food, maybe experience binge eating-like behavior? You may even avoid certain social situations in order to stay on the diet.

Additionally, when a “diet rule” is “broken” (not because of laziness or lack of willpower on your part—remember, clinical studies show that diets can’t be followed long term), you might experience increased feelings of shame, loss of control and failure. These feelings can drive us further from self-care and contribute to a poorer relationship with food.

4. Diets reinforce weight bias and stigma.

Weight bias and stigma are just what they sound like- discriminating against people based on their body size, usually large body size. Diets inherently send the message that large or fat bodies are “bad” or “unhealthy”, which reinforces fatphobia. It is well documented that rates of weight bias and stigma are on the rise. In fact, weight stigma and bias happen at higher rates than discrimination based on age or gender. Weight bias and stigma can affect physical and mental health independent of body size in various ways, including an increase in stress, poorer mental and physical health, and can contribute to problematic eating behaviors independent of body size. To read more about weight-bias and stigma, click here.

5. Diets often de-emphasize other determinants of health.

You have probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. What and how we eat may be one part of our health, however, there are multiple factors that contribute to health. There are several determinants of health including genetics, economic status, environmental and physical influences, medical care, and social factors. Diet programs often give the illusion that by eating in a particular way you are guaranteed good health, often neglecting other health factors.

These are just a few good reasons to ditch dieting. However, you may be thinking, “Now what? How do I not diet? How do I feed myself?”. These are common and valid questions. If you have been dieting on and off for years or have an eating disorder, navigating food in our society that is steeped in diet culture can be confusing and downright daunting.

Here are some resources to get you started on learning how to improve your relationship with food and your body:

an infographic that titled " 5 reasons not to diet in 2021 (or ever)". The tips read, in order: "Dieting for permanent weight loss is ineffective." "Dieting is a known risk factor for developing disordered eating or an eating disorder." "Dieting can wreak havoc on your mental health." "Diets reinforce weight bias and stigma." "Diets often de-emphasize other determinants of health." There is a small photo next to each statement. The photos, in order, show: a white lightbulb on a yellow background, a yellow caution sign on a blush background, a brain wearing a red stethoscope on a blue background, a blank notebook page next to a green pencil on a blue and yellow background, and a person holding a megaphone on a purple background.
white text on a purple background over a photo of balloons in the sky that reads "5 Reasons not to Diet in 2021 (or Ever)"

If you’re looking for more support as you make peace with food and ditch the diets for good, I can help you learn to trust your body and learn to feed yourself again. Get in touch today!

Intuitive Eating: 3 Signs That It Is Right for You

Intuitive Eating: 3 Signs That It Is Right for You

Intuitive eating is a term coined by registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. Tribole and Resch’s book Intuitive Eating’s purpose is to help chronic dieters and people with food and body image struggles to heal their relationship with food.

Unlike diets, intuitive eating sharpens our ability to listen to our bodies and to understand when we are hungry and full, what foods to eat, and when the best time for our bodies to eat is. This results in a reduction of worry about food and guilt often associated with dieting.

In a nutshell, intuitive eating is learning to tune into your body’s signals in order to feed and nourish yourself instead of a diet or meal plan.

Are you ready for intuitive eating? Here is how to tell:

Are you tired of dieting?

Have you been on almost every diet known to man? Do you feel frustrated that diets work for a while, but then something happens-like a vacation or a stressful event-then you go off the diet?  

Trust me, it is not you, it is the diet. Most diets don’t work long -term. Diets fail, not the people on them. Dieting is a known risk factor for developing a full-blown eating disorder.   Eating intuitively can help kick diets–forever. 

Are you tired of feeling guilty about what you are eating?

Most diets have rigid rules about what, when, and how much to eat. When these diet rules are “broken,” it can leave the dieter with feelings of guilt. 

With intuitive eating, there is no set of rules about what is “good” and “bad” to eat. Eating intuitively helps people tune into their body’s wisdom in order to feed themselves.

Do you feel out of control with food?

Diets give us the illusion of control over food.  Particularly when you first start a diet, it feels like you have complete command over your eating, until your biology kicks in (because most diets don’t provide enough energy or calories) or you find yourself in a situation that you are unable to follow the diet. 

Furthermore, it is natural to have cravings for more food and certain types of foods if you have been depriving yourself by being on a diet. The overeating (perhaps even binge eating) kicks in when you have access to foods that aren’t on the diet.

Again, it is not because you don’t have enough willpower or intellect. The diet is the problem, not you. Studies show that dieting can lead to full-blown eating disorders.  

Eating intuitively rejects the diet mentality and “legalizes” all foods, thereby reducing feelings of deprivation around food. 

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, intuitive eating may be the relief you are looking for.  

Intuitive Eating is not another diet in disguise or a weight loss program. Intuitive eating doesn’t preach what, when, and how much to eat, Rather, it teaches you to listen to your body’s signs and signals about how to best feed yourself. With intuitive eating, you will gain confidence around how to feed yourself.  

Want to learn more about intuitive eating or see if it is right for you? Call for your free 15-minute phone consultation.  

Note: If you are in treatment for an eating disorder, talk with your treatment team about if and when intuitive eating is right for you. If you think you have an eating disorder, get an assessment completed by an eating disorder treatment professional before starting intuitive eating.  

Forget About Diets To Improve Your Health This Year

Forget About Diets To Improve Your Health This Year

It is that time of year: Everyone’s talking about their New Year’s Resolutions. Many headlines promote the “newest” diet trends to “jumpstart” weight loss in 2018. A 2014 study found that “stay fit and healthy” and “lose weight” were the top contenders as New Year’s Resolutions, at 32% and 37%, respectively.


In my blog post, 5 Reasons Not to Diet in 2017,  I encourage readers to stop dieting in order to feel in more control of their eating and health.  


So, maybe you are concerned about your health. Maybe you have diabetes or a family history of heart disease, or maybe you are noticing that it is harder to move in your body at its current fitness level.  


Maybe you are so tired of dieting that you just can’t diet anymore (the diet is the problem, not you), or maybe you are recovered from an eating disorder and you know that dieting is a risk factor for relapsing.


Choosing not to diet for weight loss doesn’t mean ignoring your health.


Dieting sets-up this all or nothing thinking. You follow the diet, watching meticulously what you are eating to lose weight.  Dieting usually is paired with an exercise routine. On the other hand, if you aren’t dieting, you may have developed a “screw it” attitude. You don’t pay attention to how you eat and you don’t exercise until you are on your next diet. (By the way, this is no personal failing of your own- studies show that dieting doesn’t work long-term).


The third option is not often presented by the medical community or diet programs. This option is to eat nutritious foods, move your body in a way that feels good to you, get enough sleep, get medical screenings or check-ups as recommended, and so on in the spirit of health, not weight loss.


You may be thinking, “But don’t I need to lose weight to be healthy?”




This answer never wins me any popularity contests. There is not great scientific evidence to show that having a larger body causes medical problems.  I would argue that the disconnection from our bodies that dieting causes is what leads to health problems. Additionally, modern medical science has NOT come up with a non-surgical intervention or treatment for weight loss that works long-term (meaning the ability to keep the lost weight off).


There is good evidence that dieting can be a predictor of weight gain and problematic eating behaviors such as purging, binge eating, or other types of eating disorders.  Additionally, it is natural for folks to stop exercising if it isn’t producing weight loss, despite the cardiovascular, muscular and mental health benefits of exercise.


There is evidence that health-promoting behaviors (weight is not a behavior) do improve our health.


Health as a Value


If you are reading this, I am guessing that one of your values is health.  What is a value?  A value is what you judge to be important in life.  Examples of values include family, being financially independent, or acting in an ethical manner. Values can help us guide our behaviors.  Honesty is a value that most of us share, so we do our best to not lie, steal, or cheat.  


Oftentimes goals are confused with values.   A goal is something achievable such as running a marathon or having a fancy car.  With values, there is no completion date, and they can’t be crossed off our to-do-list.


When you put on your seatbelt or wear sunscreen you are practicing a behavior that is guided by your value of health. Every time you put on your seatbelt you are reducing your risk of serious harm when you drive. Going to the doctor for physicals and screenings or going to the dentist is another behavior that supports the value of health.


You may be asking yourself, “Isn’t body weight a value?” Unlike wearing your seatbelt, weight is not a behavior or a value. It is a biomedical marker. Lowering your cholesterol is not a behavior. You do things like take medication, eat a heart-healthy food or exercise to try to reduce your cholesterol levels. Eating nutritious food and moving your body in a way that feels good to you are behaviors that support a value of health.


What to do:


  1. Get clear on your values around health.  


Why do you value health?  Maybe you love to travel and having good health allows you to do this.  Maybe you want to have a long-life in order to see your children or grandchildren grow-up.  The media or diet programs encourage you to “take charge of your health”, but these are vague statements that are only helpful in the short-term, not the long-term.


  1. Set realistic measurable goals that support your values.


Getting physical movement in for a certain amount of time each week is an example of a concrete and measurable goal.  Other goals include getting a mammogram once a year or getting a certain amount of sleep every night.


  1. Set meaningful goals that align with your values.


Imagine that one of your values is traveling and you have a vacation coming up that requires a lot of walking.  If you achieve a certain level of physical fitness you will be able to enjoy your vacation more. Focusing on the reasoning behind your value of health will help make the exercise more meaningful even though it may be uncomfortable or inconvenient at the time.  (Instead of, “I should go exercise because it is good for me.”)


  1. If you notice that you aren’t achieving your goals, consider if the goals you are setting are really meaningful to you.


Do you actually want to do these things, or do you just think you should want to? Set goals that are achievable (sometimes we set goals that are too big and we get overwhelmed). Consider psychotherapy if you think you may have an eating disorder, depression, anxiety, or other mental illness.


Finally, check out these other resources to learn how to ditch dieting & make peace with food: Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size.

Forget About Diets To Improve Your Health This Year infographic
Forget About Diets To Improve Your Health This Year
2017 year in review

2017 Year in Review

Wow! This year really flew by! Can you believe we’re already at the end of 2017?


I’ve covered a bunch of different topics on the blog this year. You can find them here, all in one place. Now, you can look back with me and see everything we covered with ease!  


If you’ve been reading for a while, you can revisit some past favorites or refresh your memory on any of the topics that speak to you. If you’re new here, this is a great place to get to know what I’m all about and become familiar with my style. My goal is to work collaboratively with clients to reduce food and weight preoccupation and teach clients to trust their bodies, rather than a diet, to know how to feed themselves.


First off, make sure you check out 5 reasons not to diet in 2017!

It’s relevant for every year, not just 2017. Since we’re heading into the season where everyone and their brother will be talking about their New Year’s Resolutions it’s good to have these facts in mind to support you in your choices.


Don’t suffer in silence!

The theme for National Eating Disorder Awareness week this year was “It’s Time to Talk About It.” Check out this post for the best place to get started on your journey.


Are you ready to break up with dieting?

Learn about what intuitive eating is, and the 10 basic principles that can help you get off the diet roller coaster for good.


There are a lot of questions you can ask yourself about your relationship with food.

Do you feel out of control with food? Is the good-bad food trap ruining your relationship with food? Are you an emotional eater?


Diet culture is everywhere these days.

It surrounds us on social media, on TV and in movies. It’s even present in the interactions we have with others. It’s important to understand that dieting is hazardous to your health. There are lots of myths and inaccuracies floating around that people use to justify diet culture and that lead to misunderstanding eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Eating disorders don’t just affect teens- they are common in midlife, in people who suffer from anxiety disorders, and can even occur in people who are perfectionists.


There is hope.

Eating disorders are treatable, and there are resources available for people who are ready to ditch diet culture. It’s possible to like your body better without having to change it!


Let me know if there are any topics you’d like me to cover in 2018. Don’t forget to share your favorite posts with friends and family!

2017 year in review

Get Off the Diet Roller Coaster, For Good!

Chronic dieter?   Feel out of control with food?  Tired of weight cycling?  Feel guilty after eating “bad” foods?  Feel at war with your body?  Concerned about your health?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I highly recommend reading and learning about Intuitive Eating developed by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA.   

The first edition of Intuitive Eating was published in 1995.  For over 15 years, I have been using principles of Intuitive Eating with clients.  Recently, I trained with Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor.  I am excited to share the ins & outs of Intuitive Eating & other tools, over my blog, webinars and in one-on-one sessions.

Intuitive Eating is an evidence-informed approach to making peace with food used by counselors, dietitians and eating disorder treatment centers across the country and worldwide.Continue reading