Diet Culture, COVID-19, and Weight Stigma: 2020 in Review

Diet Culture, COVID-19, and Weight Stigma: 2020 in Review

At the end of every year, I like to put together a post that collects everything I’ve published on my blog over the last year. And what a year it’s been. This year is nothing like we imagined it would be. We have lost almost a year of being with family and friends, experiencing new things, and living our ‘normal’ lives. If you’re feeling grief about this year, the lives lost and changed, and what could have been, you’re not alone. 

This year has been hard, sad, lonely, scary, weird, and pretty much any other adjective out there. It can be hard to hold space for all of those things at once, so be gentle with yourself as you work through your feelings about 2020. 

Here’s what I wrote about this year: 

This year, I wrote a lot about the COVID-19 pandemic and how that interacts with folks in eating disorder recovery. 

When things get hard, communities thrive. The eating disorder recovery community is more important than ever with many of us isolated and unable to connect with other ED survivors in real life. I wrote about 5 Ways to Stay on Track With Eating Disorder Recovery During COVID-19, Virtual (and Free) Eating Disorder Support Groups During COVID-19, and Coping With COVID-19 and Eating Disorder Recovery: Tips for College Students.

Rejecting Diet culture

One of my favorite ways to learn about rejecting the diet mentality is through podcasts! I put together a list of my top podcasts to help you break free from diet culture. (I also included a tip for how to find anti-diet resources: “It’s easy to be wary of what you find related to body positivity and anti-diet resources, since the movement has been flooded with people trying to cash in without spreading the actual message of the anti-diet movement. When looking for a trusted resource online, make sure that they mention on their website (hopefully prominently!) that they believe in dismantling diet culture, center larger bodies, and don’t mention weight loss anywhere on their site.”

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a complicated subject. One of my goals is to help people challenged with ED and other food & weight-related concerns to move from constantly worrying about food and their weight to being free to create the lives they want. The first step here is understanding what eating disorders actually are. To help, I discussed 3 Important FAQs about Binge Eating Disorder on the blog. While some of us understand the basics of eating disorders and anxiety on our own, it’s rare to see a blog post connect the two and tell you what you need to know if you’re living with an eating disorder and an anxiety disorder. I wrote about frequently asked questions related to eating disorders and anxiety to share what I know!

Weight Bias + Stigma

Weight bias is everywhere we look in our culture. It’s led to systematic discrimination of larger bodies in many areas of life – medical care, job opportunities, social interactions, to name a few. So many folks railing against people in larger bodies don’t realize that what really causes negative health outcomes is a result of stigma, not a result of having a larger body, so I wrote about how weight bias and stigma are the real hazards to health, not body size. 

Diet Culture, COVID-19, and Weight Stigma: 2020 in Review

If there are any topics you’d like me to cover in 2021, let me know! You can message me here. If you’re looking for even more resources, make sure you’re following me on Facebook and Pinterest!Every week, I share resources from myself + other experts in the field on both platforms!

FAQ: Eating Disorders and Anxiety

FAQ: Eating Disorders and Anxiety

It is normal to feel worry and fear from time to time. We all have experienced worry before a big test at school, a deadline at work, or a big event. Anxiety is a normal part of life. In fact, fear can help us stay safe by alerting us to possible danger, and a little bit of worrying can be motivating for some to take care of tasks. However, if you frequently feel and have intense worry, this could be an indication of an anxiety disorder.

Q: How common is anxiety?

A: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions. It is estimated that worldwide, more than 264 million people have anxiety, and about 40 million Americans have it. Anxiety is more common in girls and women than in boys and men. There are different kinds of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorders, phobias, and post-traumatic distress disorder (PTSD), to name a few.

Q: How do I know if I have an anxiety disorder?

A: The short answer is: Talk to your doctor to help determine if you have an anxiety disorder.

Let your doctor know if you experience any of these common symptoms of anxiety, including excessive and uncontrollable worry, feelings of nervousness, restlessness, and tension, trouble sleeping, gastro-intestinal upset, sweating, trembling, rapid heart rate, or a sense of panic or impending doom. Again we all experience anxiety from time to time, but if you frequently experience some of the symptoms above, it may be time to talk to your doctor.

Q: I have an eating disorder and I think I have anxiety. Can you help me with both?

A: Studies show that 50-80% of people who have an eating disorder also struggle with anxiety. It is not always clear which comes first – the eating disorder or anxiety – or if the anxiety and eating disorder emerged roughly at the same time.

Anxiety usually makes the eating disorder symptoms worse, so it must be treated simultaneously with the eating disorder.

It is standard in eating disorder treatment to also treat co-occurring conditions whether it is anxiety, depression, or another condition. Many therapies or methods used to treat eating disorders can also be used to treat anxiety.

Q: How is anxiety treated?

A: Anxiety is very treatable. Anxiety disorders can be treated with psychotherapy as well as medication. I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help treat anxiety and eating disorders. In a nutshell, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a well-studied treatment that proposes that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and greatly influence one another.

CBT helps identify and challenge thoughts that are distorted or inaccurate that often lead to intense and pervasive feelings such as anxiety and depression.

Practicing CBT skills with “homework” between counseling sessions is something that I use regularly with clients. It has been my experience that clients like to have tools that they can use outside of sessions to help them manage their anxiety and eating disorder, plus it can speed up treatment the more the skills are practiced.

To learn more about anxiety and treatment here are some resources to get you started:


If you have started to notice that your anxiety is getting in the way of your normal functioning, it may be a good time to talk to a therapist. Get in touch here!

Weight Bias and Stigma: The Real Hazards to Health

Weight Bias and Stigma: The Real Hazards to Health

Privilege disclosure: I am aware of and acknowledge my privilege as a white, cisgender, heterosexual, thin, and able-bodied person.

What are weight bias and stigma?

Weight-based discrimination is just what it sounds like. It is discriminating against people based on their body size, usually large body size. Other terms used to describe it include fatphobia and sizeism. It is well documented that rates of weight bias and stigma are on the rise. In fact, weight stigma and bias happen at higher rates than discrimination based on age or gender.

Furthermore, weight bias and stigma are socially acceptable and are reinforced in the media through the negative portrayal of those living in large bodies.

Weight stigma and bias are present in most aspects of life including education, business, and healthcare. The effects of weight bias and stigma on physical and mental health are the focus of this post.

Weight bias and stigma can affect physical and mental health independent of body size in various ways:

Increased stress.

Experiencing weight bias and stigma increases chronic stress levels. Chronic stress has been shown to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and other physical ailments. Additionally, chronic stress can wreak havoc on our mental health and general well-being.

Poorer healthcare treatment.

It has been well documented that weight bias and stigma are pervasive in our healthcare system. Studies show that the most frequent source of weight bias is family and the second most frequent source is healthcare providers. People who experience weight bias and stigma often have a negative experience at their doctor’s office, which often leads to avoidance or putting off medical care, including preventative health screenings.

Often-times large bodies are not assessed the same way thin bodies are, and body weight is blamed for every ailment. I have heard countless stories from clients about the poor healthcare they received. For example, a patient might seek medical attention because of a sore throat, but their body weight is discussed or been pointed out as the problem. (This would not happen to people who are in what the medical community refers to as a “normal-sized” bodies.)

Poorer mental health.

Studies show that weight bias and stigma, independent of body size, can contribute to increased vulnerability to depression and anxiety, poor body image, decreased self-esteem, and increased suicidality.

People who live in large bodies may experience internalized weight bias, meaning that they believe that the stereotypes about them are true. Internalized weight bias can lead to negative feelings about oneself and contribute to poorer mental health.

Additionally, eating disorders often go undiagnosed in people with large bodies because they “don’t look” like they have an eating disorder. People in large bodies do get and are at risk for eating disorders. Furthermore, diets are often prescribed to people in large bodies, which is a known risk factor for developing an eating disorder and exacerbating existing eating disorders.

People living in large bodies are also at high risk for bullying and teasing which also negatively impacts mental health.

Increased problematic eating behaviors.

People who live in large bodies are prescribed weight-loss diets in efforts to “improve health.” There are several problems with this approach.

First, there is little research that dieting is an effective treatment for long-term weight loss.

Second, weight is highly determined by genetics and is not as modifiable as the healthcare system or diet programs lead us to believe.

Third, a larger body does not indicate poorer health.

Fourth, dieting is a known risk factor for problematic eating behaviors such as binge eating, dietary restriction, purging, and even full-blown eating disorders.

Unfortunately, weight bias and stigma are rarely discussed in traditional medical and mental healthcare settings, further perpetuating them. Weight bias and stigma continue to reinforce the idea that large bodies are unhealthy with little to no data to back this up. What we do know for sure is that weight bias and stigma themselves, independent of body size, contribute to poorer health outcomes.

If you are experiencing weight bias and stigma (or want to learn more about it) here are some great resources:

If you are a healthcare provider here are additional resources to consider:

  • Michelle May, MD and Jennifer L. Guadiani, MD (Both provide training on weight-inclusive care.)
  • Project Implicit (Help assess implicit bias.)

For more resources on weight bias + stigma, intuitive eating, and anti-diet culture, sign up for my newsletter!

Coping with COVID-19 and Eating Disorder Recovery: Tips for College Students

Coping With COVID-19 and Eating Disorder Recovery: Tips for College Students

Let’s face it – starting a new year in college during the COVID-19 pandemic is rough. College life looks much different than it used to, with virtual classes and less socializing, to name a few things. If you add an eating disorder into the mix, it can make starting the semester feel downright daunting.

If your eating disorder symptoms have increased since the pandemic started you are not alone. Eating disorder behaviors are a way to manage and cope with stress, so more stress can equal the exacerbation of eating disorder symptoms.

Furthermore, the nature of physical distancing can lead to feelings of worry, sadness, hopelessness, and loneliness which also can trigger eating disorder behaviors, including dietary restriction, purging, binge eating, and overexercising.

Starting a new semester (or starting college for the first time) is associated with many “positive feelings” and excitement. However, along with these positive feelings, students may experience feelings of isolation, worry, and sadness, again exacerbating eating disorder symptoms.

Remember it is normal to be experiencing more stress, worry, and sadness during the pandemic. However, there are tools that you can use to manage your feelings.

Below are some tips to help you cope with stress, the pandemic, and your eating disorder:

  • Keep connected with your treatment team.
    • Whether you are doing treatment in person or virtually, keeping regularly scheduled appointments is key to keeping your eating disorder recovery on top of the priority list. If you feel like you need more support during this time, ask your team about more frequent visits and/or attending virtual groups. To learn more about eating disorder treatment teams or how to get treatment, click here.
  • Stay social.
    • College with a side of COVID can be very isolating especially if you participating in virtual learning. It is not uncommon to experience an increase in loneliness. Social connection with family and friends can help reduce feelings of loneliness, sadness, and worry. Keep socializing in whatever way feels safe to you a top priority.
  • Make time for hobbies and other coping skills.
    • Coping skills and hobbies can help manage stress and uncomfortable feelings such as worry, sadness, and anger. Healthy coping skills are activities that you can help you positively manage stress. These can include talking with a friend, spending time outside, playing with a pet, reading, cleaning, doing a puzzle, praying or meditating, or volunteering, to name a few. Hobbies such as crafting, art, photography, and the like can also help reduce feelings of stress.
  • Keep a routine.
    • Having a routine can help reduce stress levels by adding structure and organization to your day, even during the pandemic. Having a general—but not rigid—routine around eating, sleeping, socializing, and studying can be helpful in your recovery from your eating disorders and generally improve mental health.

Remember that it is normal for eating disorder symptoms to increase during times of stress, and the COVID-19 pandemic is a very stressful time. By practicing the tools above, you can learn ways to reduce your stress and continue with recovery.

If you would like to learn how I help clients manage stress or you need help in your eating disorder recovery, please click here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

3 Important FAQs about Binge Eating Disorder

3 Important FAQs about Binge Eating Disorder

Do you feel out of control with food? Once you start eating, do you feel like you can’t stop? Do you feel shame, guilt, and embarrassment after eating? If so, you may struggle with binge eating disorder—the most common type of eating disorder.

Binge eating disorder is characterized by eating large amounts of food in a discrete amount of time when not feeling hungry or eating at a rapid pace until uncomfortably full. Binge eating usually takes place in solitude, and there is marked emotional distress associated with binges.

Here are some most frequently asked questions about binge eating disorder:

I think I may be addicted to food. Is that the same as binge eating disorder?

There is much debate among healthcare providers about whether food addiction is a bona fide diagnosis. Some believe that food absolutely can be addictive. In fact, science shows that our brains are activated in the same way they are with drugs when we eat highly palatable, good tasting food.

People who describe themselves as food addicts have a compulsive drive to eat, even when they are not hungry, eating, perhaps, to soothe emotions or to “check out.” In the short term, overeating feels good. But in the long term, it can feel pretty uncomfortable. Attempts to stop overeating may be made but with little success.

You may not buy certain foods, fearing that you will eat it all in one sitting or over a day or two. Maybe you plan to buy certain foods just to binge on them. Or you buy certain foods and promise yourself that you will not binge on them as you have in the past. Food is often consumed in solitude.

Guilt and shame are feelings often experienced with having a loss of control with food. Sounds similar to drug or alcohol addiction, right?

Furthermore, our brains may become activated similarly to the way they are with drugs and alcohol when we eat certain foods—as a reward pathway. By design, we get pleasure from eating, so we will seek out more food (to sustain us).

However, unlike drugs and alcohol, we need food to survive. Additionally, most people who feel out of control with food are able to stop eating or ignore foods that are less appealing. Most people who struggle with drug addiction, for example, consume all drugs until they are gone. That is not the case with food.

If you are reading this, whether you think food addiction is a valid term or not, my guess is that you feel out of control with food. Feeling out of control with food is a key feature of binge eating disorder.

I have tried every diet and I can’t get my binge eating under control. Am I ever going to get better?

Yes, you can get better, but not by dieting. Dieting can actually make binge eating worse. In fact, dieting is a risk factor for developing an eating disorder. Cutting out certain types of food and/or under-eating makes your body ripe for binge eating.

It makes sense. Our bodies by design are set up to survive. Obviously we need food to survive, and our bodies send us very strong signals to eat. If we chronically restrict food, our bodies give us signals to eat large amounts at a time.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, eating regularly throughout the day and including all foods in the diet actually helps reduce binge eating. With the help of a registered dietitian, foods that are typically eaten during a binge are slowly reintroduced as part of treatment.

Can I get over binge eating disorder on my own?

Unfortunately, many who struggle with binge eating disorder try to “diet” their way out of binge eating, but this usually makes the binge eating worse.

There is some evidence that self-help programs and books can help reduce binge eating symptoms, but most likely you will need the assistance of a professional.

Asking for professional help can feel daunting. However, relief is often expressed by people with binge eating once they seek treatment because someone understands what they are going through.

Usually, a psychotherapist or counselor, registered dietitian, and a doctor are part of an eating disorder treatment team. Learn more here about how to find an eating disorder professional.

3 Important FAQs about Binge Eating Disorder
3 Important FAQs about Binge Eating Disorder

For more resources on eating disorder recovery, intuitive eating, and anti-diet culture, sign up for my newsletter!

Podcasts to Help Reject the Diet Mentality

Podcasts to Help Reject the Diet Mentality

Although the idea of ‘body positivity’ has become more mainstream in recent years, we’re still firmly stuck in a culture that is obsessed with dieting and thinness. While many semi-savvy companies have hopped on the body posi bandwagon, it’s easy to become disenchanted with the idea of body positivity when it’s advertised to you as a way to sell more products, including diet products (looking at you, WW). Instead of using the words body positivity as a cheap way to lure in new customers, they should focus on the foundations of the fat positivity movement and work toward creating an actual cultural change in the way we view dieting and bodies.  

However, even though the culture at large can be disappointing, there are fantastic resources that you can find with a little digging on the internet. It’s easy to be wary of what you find related to body positivity and anti-diet resources, since the movement has been flooded with people trying to cash in without spreading the actual message of the anti-diet movement. When looking for a trusted resource online, make sure that they mention on their website (hopefully prominently!) that they believe in dismantling diet culture, center larger bodies, and don’t mention weight loss anywhere on their site. Even with those starting points, it can be tricky to find people doing the work sometimes, though. 

If you’re looking for true anti-diet mentality resources, here are some of my favorite podcasts to listen to on the topic: 

Body Kindness® with Rebecca Scritchfield

As the name suggests, the purpose of this podcast is to teach you how to be kind to your body in realistic, gentle ways. As you are probably aware, the preoccupation with diet culture leads us to treat our bodies pretty terribly as a society. We ignore the messages our bodies send. We try to change its shape. Sometimes we let it be hungry. We punish it when it doesn’t look the way we want it to.

Rebecca interviews guests on a wide variety of topics, like diet culture, weight stigma research, fat activism, and the Me Too movement, just to name a few. The mission statement of this podcast is basically “Health is about being kind to your body,” as the Body Kindness® website states, and this podcast will give you permission to be kind and gentle with yourself as you make peace with your body.

FoodPsych® with Christy Harrison

Christy Harrison is a big name in anti-diet circles. She just released a fantastic book called Anti-Diet: Reclaim Your Time, Money, Well-Being, and Happiness Through Intuitive Eating. Christy has been doing anti-diet work for years through her practice and through her podcast, FoodPsych®. Each episode is a conversation with interesting and thoughtful guests, and Christy is a talented interviewer. She uses the podcast to ask her guests about their relationships with food, their own body image, fat acceptance, and recovery from diet culture and eating disorders. This podcast has been going strong since 2013, so there is a massive backlog of episodes to listen to. If you’re ready to dive in to anti-diet culture, FoodPsych® is a fantastic place to start. 

Dietitians Unplugged Podcast with Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston

Like the podcasters above, Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston are registered dieticians who use their podcast to focus on health and wellness from an anti-diet perspective. They discuss topics like Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, fat representation in popular culture, thin privilege, and self-care in a larger body. Aaron and Glenys often have guests on the show to talk about a particular topic – past guests have included Jes Baker, Dr. Lindo Bacon, Ragen Chastain, Rebecca Scritchfield, Christy Harrison, and dozens more. This show doesn’t have quite as large of a backlog as the others mentioned, but there are still over 70 episodes to listen to! 

The BodyLove Project with Jessi Haggerty

Finally, the BodyLove Project, hosted by Jessi Haggerty, focuses on discovering what body love means. This is different for everyone! Jessi interviews guests on topics like Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, eating disorder recovery, body image, and mindfulness in each episode, and often dives deeper than just those topics. In each episode, you get to listen in as Jessi and the guest discuss what body love means to them and how it can transform lives in general. This show has almost 70 episodes currently, so there’s plenty to listen to! 

In a culture that is constantly talking about dieting, these podcasts are a wonderful way to tune into a perspective that will uplift and inspire you to abandon diet culture. Each one of these podcasts offers valuable information on diet culture, our relationships to our bodies, and on being kind to ourselves.

Podcasts to Help Reject the Diet Mentality
Podcasts to Help Reject the Diet Mentality

What are your favorite anti-diet podcasts?