Understanding ARFID: More Than Picky Eating

Understanding ARFID: More Than Picky Eating

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) often remains underrecognized and misunderstood.

Adults who have struggled with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder for most of their life may feel it is impossible for things to be different. Parents who have a child struggling with ARFID have, more often than not, literally tried everything to help their kiddo eat, but nothing seems to be working. ARFID is often equated with picky eating, but it’s actually much more complex than that.

Although ARFID is a newer diagnosis, there is really nothing new about it.

Prior to being added to the DSM-5, it was included in a broader category called “Feeding Disorder.” It was added to the DSM-5 in order to develop better ways to treat it.

Parenting a Child with ARFID

If you are a parent, well meaning doctors may have minimized your child’s selective eating. This can be particularly true if your child is on track with growth. This can be frustrating for a number of reasons. You spend significant time to figure out how to feed your child – and it takes a lot of mental energy and often can feel very limiting to keep dealing with this challenge day after day.

If it’s left unaddressed, ARFID can lead to nutritional deficits, which can impact both physical health and emotional well-being. Early detection of ARFID is important so it doesn’t turn into a life-long struggle. Understanding ARFID is crucial for effective intervention, and a comprehensive treatment strategy tailored to the individual’s specific needs is necessary.

Understanding ARFID

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder is not just a simple case of picky eating; it is a complex psychological condition that can cause significant nutritional and reduced quality of life, particularly if it endures into adulthood.

Unlike other eating disorders that are often driven by concerns about weight and body image, ARFID is characterized by an avoidance of food based on sensory sensitivity, lack of interest in eating, depressed appetite, and/or fear of adverse consequences such as choking, throwing-up, or an allergic reaction.

Individuals grappling with ARFID may face a persistent difficulty when it comes to eating sufficient quantities or varieties of food. This can stem from deep-seated anxiety, gastrointestinal discomfort, or past negative associations with food.

Recognizing Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder Symptoms

Persistent avoidance of specific foods or food groups or low food intake are characteristic of ARFID. Physical responses such as gagging may coincide with this avoidance of certain foods.

The eating patterns of individuals with ARFID reveal a restrictive intake that fails to meet their physiological needs. Without treatment, ARFID can lead to potential nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, or developmental delays, irrespective of age, gender, or body weight.

Behavioral signs and changes in eating that may indicate ARFID include:

  • Poor appetite
  • Getting full quickly
  • Avoiding eating due to fear of choking
  • Picky eating that often gets worse over time

Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is often misinterpreted as a phase among children or as mere pickiness in adults; however, it represents a significant feeding or eating disorder that hinders one’s capacity to consume an adequate variety and volume of food.

Impact of ARFID on Everyday Life

ARFID’s restrictive eating patterns in children can lead to low energy, isolation, and anxiety around meal times. For caregivers, it can be a struggle to know how to feed your child, or  it can take lots of effort to prepare foods that you know they will eat in order to support growth.

For older children and adolescents, ARFID can make socializing, which often happens around food (such as parties, sleep overs, family events or team dinners), anxiety provoking for both the child and parents. The disorder’s consequences radiate outward, often simmering into familial tensions and social rifts, as loved ones grapple with the complexities of ARFID.

Adults with ARFID tend to have a decrease in quality of life. Moreover, the fear of eating outside one’s comfort zone can hinder personal and professional growth, particularly when mealtime activities are involved.

Ultimately, the disorder’s grasp can dampen overall quality of life, exerting a significant emotional toll.

Approaches to Treating ARFID

The main goal of treatment for ARFID is supporting the sufferer with eating enough (and enough variety) to keep their body nourished. For children, treatment works to support growth. Treatment for children, adolescents, and adults can help to improve overall quality of life.

Improved quality of life looks different depending on the individual with ARFID. For some, that may mean eating most food. For others, it may mean expanding the variety of food in order to support quality of life and being nourished.

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder treatment usually focuses on making eating or feeding a priority.

That is, for most folks, increasing the number of times each day they eat meals and snacks. Due to the nature of ARFID, eating often gets put off because it is uncomfortable for the person to eat, or they simply aren’t hungry.

Structured meal planning can be an effective strategy for managing ARFID, as it introduces routine and predictability into the dining experience. By brainstorming menus in advance, individuals and families gain clarity and a sense of control over their food choices.

Having structure and making eating a priority can help make sure people are getting adequate nutrition and reduce meal time stress.

In addressing the dietary concerns that stem from Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, we take a gradual approach to food exposure. Food exposures are designed in collaboration with the client and/or the family in order to personalize care.

Incremental exposure to food means starting with foods that are less anxiety-provoking, building up to a more diverse diet over time. Food-related anxieties are meticulously deconstructed, facilitating the individual’s encounters with previously feared foods in a safe and controlled environment.

Efforts are channeled into ensuring balanced nutritional intake while concurrently addressing emotional and cognitive barriers. Over time, the individual learns to associate eating with safety rather than distress, thus gradually dismantling the cycle of avoidance that characterizes ARFID.

My Approach to ARFID Treatment

When I am working with children with ARFID I work closely with their caregivers. I have learned from my training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for ARFID that I can bring the expertise in eating disorders, and the parents & kiddo bring the expertise on their family, food beliefs, culture, and abilities (to name a few).

With adults with ARFID I use a similar mindset. I bring skills to the table to treat the eating disorder and they bring their expert knowledge of themselves.

Are you concerned that you or your child are dealing with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder? Sign up for a free consultation to learn more about how I can help you and your family.

Can Family-Based Treatment Help My Child Recover from an Eating Disorder

Can Family-Based Treatment Help My Child Recover from an Eating Disorder?

If you are a parent or caregiver, desperate to help your child who is struggling with an eating disorder, family-based treatment may be the solution you are searching for.

Often, families come into my office worried sick about their child.

Their child might have lost a lot of weight or been acting “sneaky” around food. Maybe their child has been over-exercising, using laxatives, or throwing up after eating.

Or, they might be worried because their child only eats a small number of foods, or eats a lot of food at once.  

Or maybe your child has become an extremely “picky eater”.

On top of that, parents are often terrified because they have heard doctors mention hospitalization and many therapists have turned them away. When they do research online, things look bleak. 

No matter their child’s symptoms, when families first come in they are often frantic, frustrated, and feeling powerless. They don’t know what to do. 

If you find yourself in a similar boat today, you’re not alone. I have worked with countless families who walk into my office feeling this way. Sadly, there’s a lot of blame put on the parents. All they want for their child is to get better and live a happy life without the constant obsession with food. 

Many parents have been seeking help for a while. Unfortunately, they have found no real results. They often receive criticism, but no real guidance on how to help their child get better, or well-meaning doctors say they will grow out of it and that it’s just a phase.

I’m here to give you hope.

After years as a therapist and registered dietitian, I’ve seen the positive results that come from family-based treatment where parents are properly equipped and supported to be part of the solution their child needs.

Why Choose Family-Based Treatment?

Family-based treatment (FBT) for eating disorders is an evidence-based treatment for disorders like anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and even ARFID (i.e. extreme selective eating).

Unlike many other treatments that put the responsibility on the identified patient or the person with the eating disorder, FBT includes the parents. Instead of seeing the parents as part of the cause of the eating disorder, they are seen as part of the solution.

We use your expert knowledge of your child to help your child get better.

This method of treatment makes sense to parents. If your child had cancer or some other serious medical condition, you, as the parents, would be highly involved in treatments including appointments, physical therapy, and all the steps to recovery.

It shouldn’t be any different for treating eating disorders.

Eating disorders are an epidemic in our country. According to the NIH, for teens between the ages of 13 and 18, the lifetime occurrence of anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating disorder is 2.7%. These disorders are twice as common among girls than boys. They also tend to be more common the older the teen gets.

When it comes to ARFID or avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, the prevalence is between 5 and 22%, with about 2% reaching the need for help. ARFID also tends to happen with anxiety disorders and neurodivergence. Effective, evidence-based treatment for eating disorders is important and necessary.

How Effective is Family-Based Treatment?

Family-based treatment has been used in the United Kingdom for many years. It has proven to be more effective than other forms of eating disorder treatment.

With a 75% success rate, teens receiving FBT also recover faster than with other treatments. The research also shows that teens are doing better after engaging in FBT than in other treatments.

How Does Family-Based Treatment Work?

In family-based treatment, a clinician guides the parents in empathizing with the child while also holding boundaries around eating, food, and other eating disorder behaviors like binge eating and laxative use.

The therapist coaches the parent on how to teach their child to eat again. The goal is for the child to eventually have age-appropriate responsibility with food intake and eating habits, once the child has reduced their eating disorder symptoms and is stabilized. They also want to encourage an appropriate relationship with food and their body image.

Family-based treatment usually lasts around 20 sessions and happens in three stages.

During the first stage, the parents are responsible for preparing and serving food as well as insisting that it gets eaten. They are pretty much doing what a nurse during inpatient treatment would do. There is no room for negotiation around food or other eating disorder behaviors like purging, misusing exercise, or laxatives.

The second and third phases include slowly giving responsibility for food and exercise back to the child.

During the second phase, the child may return to more normal activities while being supervised by their parents for any signs of relapse.

During the third stage, the child begins to transition back on track with their developmental stage of eating.

What Makes FBT Different?

Family-based treatment is quite different from the standard eating disorder treatment. 

First of all, at its core, FBT does not blame the child’s parents (or the child) for the eating disorder. One of the core beliefs of family-based treatment is that no one in the family is to blame. Really, the focus is on getting the child well instead of placing blame.

In other treatments, the person with the eating disorder is treated on their own outside of the family system, but with FBT, the parents, child, and sometimes even the siblings, are involved in treatment. 

The parents’ care and motivation to help their child are used to make some major changes in the family’s life, especially around food. Their unique expertise on their child is used to help them get better, and parents are taught how to interact with their child around food, and other eating disorder behaviors.

This allows the family to overcome the eating disorder, together. 

Another difference with FBT is the focus on food, nutrition, and eating disorder behavior rehabilitation. FBT believes that a lot of the symptoms of the eating disorder will disappear when the child is better nourished and no longer using other eating disorder behaviors. So they first focus on nutrition, feeding, and decreasing the other eating disorder behaviors. 

Often, parents think that their child has to be “motivated” for treatment to be effective. One of the differences with FBT is that the child does not need to be motivated to change to get better. The motivation to make change happen starts with the parents. 

What are the Benefits of Family-Based Treatment?

Family-based treatment has benefits for both the family as a whole and the child, including: 

  • The child or teen usually gets better faster than any other treatment, making it one of the quickest ways to help your child and family heal.
  • Parents are involved in the child’s treatment, allowing them to be the child’s primary support instead of feeling powerless and at fault.
  • This is a good replacement for inpatient treatment or partial hospitalization, allowing your child to stay home.
  • FBT is an evidence-based approach, so you know you are doing the best you can for your child.

Now that you know how FBT can help, let’s look at who it can help.

Who is FBT for?

FBT has been shown to be effective for kids, teens, and young adults. showing signs of eating disorders.

It has been used to help kids and teens who are struggling with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, as well as avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).

In the cases of binge eating disorder and bulimia, the family is taught to help feed their child adequately and supportively interrupt binge eating, purging, laxative use, and misuse of exercise. 

FBT works both for teens who have been to inpatient multiple times and still struggle to let go of the symptoms, and for teens who have just started to engage in eating disorder behaviors, and any child in between.

FBT is not just for teens, however. It can also be used with children and young adults still living at home. FBT can be used in all different types of families or caregiving situations (like grandparent caregivers and single-parent households).

Who Should Not Do FBT?

FBT is often used instead of hospitalization. If the child is underweight and does not have any other reason to be medically supervised, FBT can be a great option rather than hospitalization.

However, if your child or teen needs to be medically supervised for another reason, then hospitalization is recommended.

In the same way, if the child needs to be supervised for other psychiatric illnesses, then this is also a situation where FBT is not going to help until the child is stable psychologically. Family-based treatment may also not be a good option if the child has experienced certain types of trauma.

What Happens During Family-Based Treatment?

Family-based treatment may last around 20 sessions. At each session, you can expect your child or teen to check in with the therapist for mental health support.

After this, the therapist will meet with the parents and child for coaching around nutrition and other eating disorder behaviors. The coaching isn’t just about what to eat but also about how to talk to your child about eating and other eating disorder behaviors, including how to express empathy without giving in.

Unlike other eating disorder treatments where the therapist just meets with the child, most of the time, the FBT therapist meets with the caregivers and child.

Family-Based Treatment is Worth the Hard Work

Family-based treatment can be very intense for the whole family. In the beginning, you will be very involved in your child’s day-to-day life, as well as your child’s nutritional rehab, but the hard work will be worth it when your child learns to eat and regains their health again.

Not only does family-based treatment help your child stay home, as hospitalizations can last weeks or months, but it also helps to heal your whole family from the disruption that the eating disorder has caused.

While it can be hard to find family-based treatment, don’t give up! Finding someone who is trained to do family-based treatment can make the difference for your child.

At the minimum, when you are seeking FBT you will need to at least start with a medical doctor and a therapist.  If your team includes a dietitian, initially they will only meet with the parents and not the child.

As a therapist who is also a dietitian, I can help you understand what is going on from both angles. If you are in Texas and interested in working with me, click here to fill out a contact form. I would love to support you and your child on your journey to health.

"When Your Loved One Doesn’t Want to Get Better Understanding Anosognosia in Anorexia Nervosa" in white text on a light purple background in the bottom left corner of the graphic. The rest is a stock photo of a white woman sitting on a couch next to a teenage girl, looking concerned. White text in the top left corner reads "www.alisonpelz.com Helping people make peace with food & their bodies."

When Your Loved One Doesn’t Want to Get Better: Understanding Anosognosia in Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by severe food restriction, an intense fear of weight gain, and body image disturbance. Anorexia nervosa affects many individuals of all genders, ages, and identities worldwide. 

The consequences of anorexia nervosa can be devastating, both physically and psychologically. However, one of the most challenging aspects of this disorder, particularly for family members and caregivers (and even clinicians!), is the phenomenon known as anosognosia.

What is Anosognosia?

Anosognosia, stemming from the Greek words “nosos” (disease) and “gnosis” (knowledge), refers to a lack of awareness of one’s illness. Anosognosia often can feel and look like denial. 

Denial is a defense mechanism and psychological response to avoid dealing with anxiety or other uncomfortable feelings. In contrast, anosognosia in mental health conditions is better described as a lack of awareness of their own condition.

Anosognosia can affect individuals struggling with bipolar, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and other psychological disorders. 

In anorexia nervosa, individuals may minimize the severity of their condition. They may adamantly believe they are not sick, or that their behaviors are justified, making it incredibly difficult for them to recognize the need for treatment. It can feel like your loved one is being “difficult” and in teenagers it can be especially confusing because during adolescence it is normal for teens to be contrary or contradictory. 

Anosognosia causes a person to be unable to achieve one or more of the following:

  • Accept that they have an illness or disorder.
  • See the signs and symptoms of their condition.
  • Connect their feelings and personal experiences back to that condition. 
  • Understand and agree that the condition is serious and needs treatment.

One of the most dangerous aspects of anosognosia in anorexia nervosa is the individual struggling with insight when the condition becomes life-threatening.

This lack of awareness around a loved one’s illness can further complicate the treatment plan and, many times, prevent treatment from occurring altogether. 

Parents frequently ask me if they should wait for their child to want to recover.

My answer is always no, because I know that anosognosia is most likely operating, and because the devastating effects eating disorders have.

Let’s face it – no teen really wants the devastating effects of an eating disorder. Contrary to popular belief, no one chooses to have an eating disorder.

How Anosognosia May be Affecting You

It’s already difficult enough to observe as a family member or loved one suffers from Anorexia nervosa, but anosognosia can make it incredibly distressing and frustrating. Despite your pleas, watching as your loved one deteriorates physically and emotionally, while they remain unaware of the severity of their condition, can evoke feelings of helplessness and despair.

To best help your loved one, you must recognize that anosognosia is not a choice but rather a symptom of the disorder. 

It is deeply rooted in neurological and psychological mechanisms impairing the individual’s ability to perceive reality accurately. This is completely out of their control, and without professional help,they may be unable to leave behind their problematic and highly dangerous behaviors.

The Role of Brain Connection in Anosognosia

Research suggests that anosognosia in anorexia nervosa may have an anatomical basis. 

Brain imaging studies indicate abnormalities in brain structure and function. According to a study published in the European Eating Disorder Review, up to 80% of individuals with anorexia exhibit some degree of anosognosia.

Malnutrition, a hallmark of anorexia, can lead to significant changes in brain chemistry and structure. This potentially contributes to the development of anosognosia. These neurological alterations can impair the individual’s ability to recognize their illness and hinder their motivation to seek help. This perpetuates the cycle of disordered eating behaviors.

The good news is with nutrition rehabilitation, anosognosia diminishes. 

Navigating Treatment and Recovery

Supporting a loved one with anorexia nervosa requires patience, empathy, and a comprehensive understanding of the disorder. Here are some ways you can help your loved one on their journey to recovery:

Show Compassion and Understanding

When you are speaking to your loved one about their eating disorder, it’s important to approach the conversation with compassion. You want to validate their experiences and avoid judgments, criticism, and shaming.

Encourage Professional Help

Although it may be difficult for someone with an eating disorder to want to receive treatment, it is still important for you to encourage it. Most success is found in early intervention. When the illness is treated, early on, there are often better outcomes than for those struggling without help for years.

Educate Yourself

One of the best things you can do to support your loved one if they are struggling with anorexia and/or anosognosia is to educate yourself on the facts. This should include the common signs and symptoms, possible treatment options, and debunked myths. This information is powerful in helping you better advocate for your loved one and their well-being.

Foster Open Communication

Create a safe and supportive environment where your loved one feels comfortable discussing their thoughts and feelings. Encourage open communication and active listening, allowing them to express themselves without fear of judgment or criticism.

Practice Self-Care

Supporting a loved one with an eating disorder can be emotionally and physically draining. Take care of yourself and prioritize your own well-being, seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if needed.

Be Aware of Triggers

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that even those deep into recovery can and will experience triggers. You can avoid adding to these by educating yourself on avoiding phrases and conversations, such as calorie counts or weight loss.

Expert Eating Disorder Treatment

If you think that a family member, child, or friend of yours is struggling with an eating disorder, it is important to consult a professional. With proper treatment, individuals can overcome their eating disorder and live a healthier life, both physically and mentally.

I am Alison Pelz, a psychotherapist and registered dietitian with over 16 years of experience. I specialize in treating eating disorders in Austin, TX. 

If you or someone you care about is struggling with an eating disorder, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. To learn more about expert eating disorder treatment and schedule a consultation with me today. I am here to help you and your loved ones reclaim their lives and break through the chains of disordered eating.

Are you a clinician? Sign up for my mailing list and CE course!


When Exercise Becomes Too Much, Could It Be Exercise Addiction?"

When Exercise Becomes Too Much, Could It Be Exercise Addiction?

Here are some possible signs of exercise addiction. Do you…

  •   spend a lot of mental energy thinking about exercise? 
  •   think about when and how you are going to fit in? 
  •   have excessive worry or guilt if you don’t exercise? 

If any of those sound familiar to you, they could be signs that your exercise routine has become problematic.

Generally speaking, exercise is a good thing for you.

Exercise is not only fun, but it can improve physical and mental health and bolster self-esteem.  Exercise can also be social. Participating in sports, whether recreationally or competitively, has numerous benefits like introducing you to other people, giving you space to connect with your body, and improving your concentration.

However, too much of a good thing, like exercise, can lead to major health issues.

Exercise becomes problematic when exercise negatively affects your physical health and interferes with other aspects of your life. If exercising gets in the way of your social life, your family life, work, or school, you might be overdoing it.

When exercise becomes so rigid that it is harmful to your well-being it has shifted from healthy to compulsive exercise. Some people refer to compulsive exercise as an exercise addiction, because the urge to exercise often feels very strong and it can be uncomfortable to ignore it.

Are you wondering if you’re addicted to exercise? Here are six signs that you’re dealing with compulsive exercise:

There is rigidity around your exercise routine.

You may find it hard to deviate from your exercise routine. The rigidity that often accompanies exercise addiction can include the time of day the exercise is done, what type of exercise, and for how long you exercise.

Exercise is often excessive.

You spend a lot of time exercising. Usually, the length of exercise increases over time. You may be spending much of your free time exercising or thinking about exercising.

Not exercising makes you feel guilty, depressed and/or anxious.

If you have to miss your regularly scheduled exercise it makes you have intense negative emotions. You may spend significant mental energy thinking about how to “make it up”.

Exercise interferes with your social life and relationships.

You may turn down social invitations because it interferes with your exercise routine. For some, this can lead to significant feelings of isolation. You may even lie or hide how much you exercise. Work or school obligations can suffer because so much time and energy is spent on exercise.

You exercise despite feeling sick or if you have an injury.

When you are sick or injured you exercise anyway. You feel afraid that you will lose ground on your fitness level or you won’t return to exercise if you take time away.

Exercise feels like a chore or an obligation.

Initially, exercise starts off moderately but can slowly get more extreme. After a while, exercise no longer feels like something you want to do, but something that you have to do.

We may all experience some of these signs of compulsive exercise from time to time. However, the tell-tale sign of compulsive exercise is the persistent and consistent thoughts of exercise. In addition to the constant thinking about exercise, you might also experience intensely negative feelings when you miss an exercise session.

Compulsive exercise isn’t just about the exercise itself, it’s also about the enormous amount of thought and effort that goes toward thinking about exercise. Besides the time spent exercising, there is a lot of mental energy that goes into thinking about when, and how to exercise, and after a while that can be very draining.

The connection between athletes and compulsive exercise

It probably comes as no surprise that athletes are at a higher risk for developing a compulsive relationship with exercise.

Studies show that about 3% of the general exercise population struggles with compulsive exercise. Athletes are far more likely to struggle with exercise addiction. As many as 14% of endurance athletes and up to as high as 34.8% of elite athletes struggle with compulsive exercise. Compulsive exercise might feel necessary to keep up with the demands of their sport, but it has detrimental effects on physical and mental health.

The connection between eating disorders and compulsive exercise

Athletes aren’t the only people who struggle with compulsive exercise. There is a strong connection between compulsive exercise and eating disorders. Research has shown that 39% to 48% of people with eating disorders engage in compulsive exercise.

Often compulsive exercise is used to “make up for eating mistakes” or binges. In the eye of the eating disorder, it can give the person with an eating disorder permission to eat. Exercise is used in efforts to obtain or maintain a certain body weight or physic.

You can’t tell by looking at someone if they compulsively exercise. People with all different body types compulsively exercise.

What are the consequences of exercise addiction?

There are several physical consequences of compulsive exercise. They include:

    • Reduced bone density (osteopenia and osteoporosis)
    • Loss of menstrual cycle
    • Chronic muscle soreness, bone, and joint pain
    • Overuse injuries such as stress fractures

In addition to the physical effects, compulsive exercise has a major effect on mental health. Compulsive exercise is associated with decreased overall life satisfaction, negative mood, low energy, and increased rates of depression and/or anxiety.

How can compulsive exercise be treated?

If you’re struggling with compulsive exercise, you’re not alone, and help is available. There are ways to treat compulsive exercise, or exercise addiction. Therapy is an important tool for treating compulsive exercise.

In therapy, you can explore some of the problematic thinking that leads to compulsive exercise. Therapy can also help you learn how to resist and reduce the urges to compulsively exercise. Finally, working with a therapist can help you improve your relationship with exercise in order to enjoy it with both your physical and mental health in mind.

Are you concerned about your relationship with exercise? If you’re struggling with compulsive exercise, working with a therapist can help. Get in touch today for your free consultation.

A graphic that reads "5 Free Resources to Support Eating Disorder Recovery" in the bottom left corner. In the top right corner in small black font it reads "www.alisonpelz.com; Helping people make peace with food and their bodies." underneath the text is a stock photo of a young dark haired woman in a larger body smiling and looking at her phone while leaning against a teal wall.

Free Resources for Eating Disorder Recovery

Eating disorder recovery is tough. Learning about eating disorders can help. I have a great list of free resources.

Are you just getting started with eating disorder recovery? Or do you have a treatment team in place, but are looking for some extra support? Does your teen have an eating disorder and you’re looking for ways to support them (and yourself)? 

Many of these free eating disorder recovery resources are in the form of support groups and mentorship programs. 

Besides being free, the emphasis on connection is another reason why I love these resources. Eating disorder recovery doesn’t occur in a vacuum. We are social creatures, and connection can be especially healing in hard times. 

Eating disorders are really hard to understand. Support groups can help you learn more about eating disorders while feel seen and understood. Eating disorder groups are filled with folks who are going through what you are experiencing and who can relate to your ups and downs. 

Additionally, support groups reduce feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, depression, and isolation. Attending an eating disorder support group can help you find new ways to cope during recovery. 

If you or your teen is in eating disorder recovery, check out these 5 free eating disorder recovery resources: 

1. National Alliance for Eating Disorders

The National Alliance for Eating Disorders is a great resource with lots of information about the treatment of eating disorders. 

According to their website, “The National Alliance for Eating Disorders (formerly The Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness) is the leading national nonprofit organization providing referrals, education, and support for all individuals experiencing eating disorders and their loved ones.”

The Alliance offers free support groups for people with eating disorders and those who love them.  Support groups meet in-person and others meet virtually. 

Click here to learn more about the free support groups offered by the National Alliance for Eating Disorders. For any readers in Austin, TX, there is an in-person group held weekly.

2. F.E.A.S.T.  (Families Empowered And Supporting Treatment for Eating Disorders)

F.E.A.S.T. is an international network to help support caregivers and parents who have a teen with eating disorder. 

The organization was started by parents to help other parents: “We are here because we have been there!  F.E.A.S.T. is an international non-profit organization of and for parents and caregivers of loved ones affected by eating disorders. Our free programs and services offer families much needed support, information, skills, and tools to help them on their journey. F.E.A.S.T. is about parents helping parents, about paying it forward, and about being there for families at a time when they need us the most.”

Be sure to visit the services tabs on their website which links you to forums, guides, videos, and much more. The videos from F.E.A.S.T. are one of my favorite resources. There are videos of family members, who are going through the exact same thing as you. There are also videos from highly regarded eating disorder treatment professionals talking about various treatment topics so you can learn more. 

Be sure to sign up for F.E.A.S.T. 30 Days. It’s a free program that sends you one email a day for 30 days, each including a brief lesson on how to support your teen during recovery. 

3. ANAD (National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders) 

ANAD, or the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, is a non-profit whose mission is to provide free peer support services to anyone struggling with an eating disorder.  

Their website states, “Recovery is possible. ANAD is here to help. ANAD is the leading nonprofit in the U.S. that provides free, peer support services to anyone struggling with an eating disorder, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background. Our nationwide network of volunteers understand first-hand the ups and downs of the recovery journey—because they, too, have lived the experience of an eating disorder. ANAD empowers volunteers to help others through their own recovery.”

ANAD has a helpline where you can get referrals to treatment and get emotional support. In addition to the helpline, ANAD offers a free mentor support program. You can get matched with a peer mentor who has recovered from an eating disorder to help support you through the recovery process. Having a mentor who has already been through it can be extremely helpful in bolstering support, motivation to change, and instilling hope that recovery is possible. 

ANAD also offers free virtual support groups for folks with eating disorders. They offer general support groups as well as groups for specific identities including LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Older Adults, Teens & Young Adults, and People in larger bodies. 

4. Project HEAL

Project HEAL helps to find eating disorder treatment. Access to quality healthcare is not always easy, and there are lots of reasons why most people who deal with eating disorders do not get treatment. The goal of Project HEAL is to help those who the system fails find treatment for eating disorders. 

According to their website, “Project HEAL’s vision is to create a world where everyone with an eating disorder has the opportunities & resources they need to heal. Our programs break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers that millions of people in the U.S. face when trying to heal from their eating disorder.”

They provide free services to help you find treatment including:

  • Clinical Assessment Program which helps determine a diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and referrals. 
  • The Treatment Placement Program offers free or very discounted treatment via vetted treatment providers. 
  • Cash Assistance Program Offers recipients a one-time cash assistance grant to help cover the costs of treatment. 
  • Insurance Navigation Program. This program helps people navigate the complexities of insurance. 

5. FEDUP (Fighting Eating Disorders in Underrepresented Populations: A Trans+ & Intersex Collective)

FEDUP is a collective that is made up of trans, nonbinary, intersex, and gender expansive people who view eating disorders through a social justice lens. Their work is focused on eating disorders in marginalized communities – understanding them, treating them, and preventing them. 

Their mission is “to make visible, interrupt, and undermine the disproportionately high incidence of eating disorders in trans and gender diverse individuals through radical community healing, recovery institution reform, research, empowerment, and education”.

They have a wealth of information on their website.  A list of free virtual support groups. FEDUP has an approved list of providers who provide affirming care, and a Treatment Scorecard which scores some of the largest treatment centers in the US on various accessibility criteria. In addition, they provide training and workshops for treatment facilities to become gender-literate. They also have a guide to gender-affirming surgeons with consideration of BMI limits for each surgeon. 

This is just a short list of free and reliable resources to help support you in your eating disorder recovery. I encourage you to explore these resources to see if one is right for you! 

Part of eating disorder recovery is working with a treatment team, which includes a psychotherapist. For more information on how I can help with eating disorder recovery, send me a message.

A graphic that reads "Book review: More than a body: Your body is an instrument not an ornament" in the bottom left corner, over a stock photo of a tablet on a peachy pink background showing the cover for More Than A Body.

Book Review: More than a Body

Book Review: More than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, not an Ornament

More than a Body is an important read for those suffering from a negative body image.

Authors Dr. Lexie Kite and Dr. Lindsay Kite (not only sisters, but also identical twins!) are well versed in body image research. Not only do the authors provide a great discussion of what body image is, and how it developed, they deliver an extensive discussion on the influence of society on our body image.

What is this book about?

Lexie and Lindsay provide a framework of body image disturbance and postulate that objectification, both historically and current, of women (and with increasing frequency, boys’ and men’s bodies) is one of the main causes of body image disturbance.

That is, we are trained to focus on how our bodies are seen by others versus what our bodies can do.

In turn, we internalize this message and begin to self-objectify our own bodies. This self-objectification shifts our attention to how our bodies look instead of how we feel in our bodies.

As you can imagine, self-objectification can lead to being preoccupied with the way our bodies look, including increased body comparison and body checking in mirrors.

This shift of our energy and awareness from how our bodies feel to how our bodies look takes up a lot of time and energy, and just leads to feeling badly about yourself and your body.

It often starts from a young age, because a lot of media promotes cultural standards of beauty, even still in 2022. The message has always been that it doesn’t matter how you feel in your body, it matters how the world around you sees your body.

The authors of More Than a Body put forth that women are conditioned to first define themselves by how their body looks and second that they are people with inherent worth.

In a way, the messaging is getting more troubling. Slowly but surely, companies are starting to get the message that appealing to old-school body insecurities doesn’t create as much of a profit as it used to. Instead of being loud about weight loss or fat shaming, companies now try to appeal to people by using language taken from the body positivity movement.

We’ve seen brands like Weight Watchers change their name to WW in an attempt to move their image away from weight loss to “lifestyle change”, while still promoting intentional weight loss and a disordered approach to eating. Everything is still reduced down to the way people look, and not their inherent value as humans.

In order to heal from negative body image, the authors urge us to internalize that we are people first. And our bodies know that we are inherently good.

What did I like about this book?

Importantly, the authors do acknowledge that most body image research is done on cis, white, and often straight-sized bodies. They also discuss weight bias and its harmful effects in addition to discussion on historically marginalized bodies.

The authors’ discussion of the body positivity movement is especially insightful.

They acknowledge that the body positivity movement has expanded the types of bodies (read: size) that are deemed socially acceptable. However, the body positivity movement is flawed because it still focuses on the objectification of women’s bodies.

The idea itself that bodies are to be looked at and objectified is problematic, because who we are as people goes so far beyond what our bodies look like. Having more bodies that we decide as a society are acceptable to look at does nothing to solve the problem of objectifying bodies in the first place, it just adds to the objectification taking place.

The Drs. Kite propose that the only way to improve body image is to eliminate self-objectification and connect with our bodies for what they do for us over how they look. This can be pretty tough to do in the age of social media advertising and diet culture.

The tagline of this book, “Your body is an instrument, not an ornament,” resonates with me as a woman, and in my work with clients.

It is a great mantra to keep at the top of your mind to shift your focus from how your body looks to what your body does for you.

The book is lengthy and provides more of a framework of why we are fraught with negative body image rather than provide solutions for body image problems. I appreciated that the authors used vignettes to explain their work, and they often cite research to back up what they’re saying.

If you’re looking into the background of where negative body image comes from and want to learn more, this book will be an interesting read for you. If you’re looking for actionable solutions for body-image problems, this book might not be what you’re looking for.

Who should read this book?

I would recommend this book to:

  • clinicians who treat people with body image disturbance
  • parents & caregivers who want to learn more about how to raise children with healthy body image
  • those who suffer from body image disturbance
  • folks who are in the later stages of eating disorder treatment

Although this book is better than some at expanding the body image discussion past cis, white, straight size, abled bodies, the fact that it is more than likely aimed at this audience (rather than the marginalized bodies it briefly focuses on) it is one of the limitations of the book.

The authors have developed an online course (which I have not taken) as another body image resource. But, I also hope that they consider developing a workbook to accompany this book to help guide folks through the difficult process of connecting with our bodies for what they do over how they look.

Are you curious to learn more about the authors of this book and their perspective on body image?

Here is a link where you can hear Dr. Linsday Kite speak on body image – this video also gives a solid introduction to the book.

Understanding your body image and where it comes from is key in eating disorder recovery. If you’re looking for more support in changing your body image, please click here to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with me.