Three of My Favorite Books

I have included a few of my favorite reads here for people who want to get off the diet roller coaster.  These resources offer a new perspective on how to approach food and weight.  They offer no quick fixes or “magic bullets”, but rather an exciting new way to look at food and weight.Studies have shown reading (or “bibliotherapy” as us counselors call it) can be an effective tool to augment treatment for compulsive overeating, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder.

Happy reading!!!

9781250004048_p0_v1_s260x420 Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA

This is a wonderful book.  Tribole and Resch share with readers how to give up dieting for good, listen to their body for hunger and fullness cues and legalize all foods.  It is a must read!







Health at Every Size by Linda Bacon, PhD

I have heard great things about this book.  I have not yet read this book (It is on my list.), but I have had the privilege of hearing Dr. Bacon speak at a professional conference.  She presented compelling information about body weight.  Bacon indicates that weight plays a much less important role in health than the media and health care providers lead us to believe.  Bacon teaches readers how to keep themselves healthy despite body weight.  


when-women-stop-hating-their-bodiesWhen Women Stop Hating their Bodies by Jane R. Hirschmann & Carol H. Munter.

The title says it all.  This is a very empowering book!

Myths about Eating Disorders, Not Otherwise Specified

Fitness Myths

1. Myth: Most people with eating disorders either have Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.

False. The majority of people with eating disorders are diagnosed with Eating Disorder, NOS (not otherwise specified) and not Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.


2. Myth: Eating Disorder, NOS is not a serious eating disorder.

False. Eating Disorder, NOS can be life threatening and cause just as much suffering to the individual and their family members as other types of eating disorders.


3. Myth: Treatment Options for Eating Disorder, NOS are not the same as for Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa.

False. Treatment options are about the same for Eating Disorder, NOS as they are for Anorexia or Bulimia Nervosa. Treatment options include: outpatient, partial hospitalization, hospitalization and/or residential treatment.


To learn more about Eating Disorder, NOS please go to:


If you or someone you know has an eating disorder talk with your doctor or an eating disorder professional to get help.

Binge Eating Disorder Inclusion into the DSM-5


Binge Eating Disorder (BED) will be introduced as its own stand alone eating disorder, joining anorexia and bulimia nervosa in the fifth edition of the DSM, expecting to be published this May.

The DSM (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) compiled by the American Psychiatric Association provides criteria of diagnosis of mental disorders.

Since 1994, binge eating has been considered an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified in the appendix of DSM-IV. More research was needed to determine the characteristics of those who have binge eating disorder. In other words, BED wasn’t its own diagnosis has been one barrier for accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

Moving binge eating from the appendix into its own category of illness means…

There will be an INCREASE in:

AWARENESS. Among sufferers, the public, and among medical and mental health providers .
TREATMENT. More people will likely be accurately diagnosed and seek treatment.
INSURANCE COVERAGE. Insurance carriers are more likely to pay for treatment.
RECOVERY. More people seeking treatment can mean an increase in recovery.

By Melinda Sen-Wah Lau, Guest Blogger.
Edited by Alison Pelz, LCSW, RD, LD, CDE